Wilson barrels vs shilen. The rifle stock has been switched to a B&C stock.
Wilson barrels vs shilen He also demonstrated the air gauge and how he uses it. If not, I prefer Pacnor and Lilja barrels, nothing wrong with Shilen either. Puppy1971 Active Member. golden_311 Private. Had good luck with Hart's was wondering about a Shilen ss match grade. Shaw,Shilen,McGowen,Wilson Arms on rifles. He also has his own line of barrels, I have used WOA barrels for years. I've got a couple of TC Dimension rifles with 5R rifling and they are fantastic shooters. Jack 02-11-2020, 02:41 AM #7. Go. One on a 10/22 and is a varmint contour 22 in. 22LR) SS barrels and they are all superbly accurate. 936 carbine gas and the other is a 20" Bull profile 223 Wylde 1-8 Stainless Match . 8 SPC II, and a Wilson in 223 Wylde. So thanks a lot fnbrowning you have me back on the fence. The 0. Remington Factory ? I really like Shilen barrels I had one with #7 contour on my remington and it lasted 11,948 rounds giving at the end 1. 5mm Bartlein & Proof, make up my most of my purchases, but have had Schilen, and McGowen barrels too. They are as good as anything else for the price. The two high-end (cut-rifling) barrels are smooth and the I have had quite a few Hart barrels earlier on rifle builds and never had a Shilen. I have no problem shooting 5 shot groups with my hand loads in the . I have no direct experience with Douglas barrels but I have heard mixed reviews, so Don't forget about Rock Creek barrels. And in my 243 a 10 twist stabilizes 105 grain hornady match bullets which I'm told shouldn't stabilize and I gotta admit both rifles clean very easy though I only clean when groups open up and it's been months since I've cleaned them with many hundreds of The information below will give you an idea of the size and weight of every Shilen barrel contour. moring, I have heard nothing but good about shilen select match barrels. I'm buying one for a savage 110. I would buy it over the ER Shaw. Jan 18, 2010 101 27 41 Highland, Utah www. They all shoot excellent,clean easy,and will out shoot my abilities any day of the week. Putting togeather a 25 WSM on Rem 700 going to be 25" , factory contour. Minuteman. A strong Benchrest following. I have one Shilen in a 35 Whelen. I have a few Shilen centerfire barrels. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. Started by George Wilson; 28 minutes ago; WTB-416 ruger dies and brass. My wife just got bought a rifle from a guy here on the Hide that has Re: Lilja vs. 39758 Discussion starter. Both were very accurate. 0 $ 0. Reactions: skipglo and iceEworm. I am specifically looking for an AR-15, but I wanted to get input from people about the barrel being used on guns other than the AR-15. That said, I've seen Shilens that aren't much better than 1. I've used shilen and criterion with great results. Krieger barrels on several R700 bolt guns in . I have been able to work up loads in that 3/4 MOA range without a ton of trouble. 875 rifle gas. One that is chrome lined and 556 and a stainless 20" 223 Wylde. 22WMR) and Shilen (. Am I heading in the right direction or should I I've never seen a green mountain or wilson barrel win anything. 5 CM and 7mm-08, a X-Caliber in 22 CM, a White Oak (Kreiger) in 6. Boyer and thousands of like-minded accuracy fanatics shoot Shilens. Good barrels have to find the right hands to make it into competition to be scrutinized for accuracy. We had a great time 2 years ago with Ed at the Swap Meet. All 3 of the barrels I have are not much better to a factory barrel as far as I'm concerned. There are probably a lot of target rifles that would consider this good accuracy. One is a 250AI, and the other is a 7x57. For Stainless Steel builds, I use Hart Barrels. Wilson was sold maybe 10 years ago, and a few years later the new owner Right now WOA says there is a wait time of 4-6 weeks on their standard service rifle barrels. drover I have Lilja (. Be nice. 0135 On the other hand Shilen are used in many benchrest 22 rifles. Any comments would be appreciated. Skip to content. If you send them your bolt they will ream the chamber for proper headspace or provide a bolt. I've seen less expensive Wilson barrels that are probably comparable but don't own any. I have heard some horror stories about the insides of the ER Shaw barrels Reply. Full Member. dougduey Well-Known Member. 00. Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters Wilson barrels vs schillen: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 2 of 2 : 1: 2: Re: Wilson barrels vs schillen. 5CM that I had Shilen install / headspace for $75 - well worth it. 1; 2; 3; Next. I have two sporters with shilen CM barrels that are amazingly accurate. Reminder: Contours only available on barrels for the Rem 700 either prethreaded and My last two Shilen barrels were both Savage pre-fits. Idaho. They also did a poor job lapping them which means they foul pretty bad. For the money Faxon and Ballistic Advantage make excellent barrels, Dedicated Technologies use Shilen match barrels, which are phenomenal. " Wilson barrels and Cooper Between myself and good friend who makes many trips west to PD shoot with me,we have owned upwards of 16 different Cooper rifles,non rimfire. The Shilen costs $50 more than the Wilson ($275 vs $225) from White Many large barrel companies make different grades of barrels--including both Shilen and Wilson. I had the shilen set back and rechambered by the same smith that did the barlein barrels. Originally Posted by kingstonWilson Arms bought Cooper Rifles from Dan Cooper back in 2009. Looking down the bore of my McGowen vs my two higher end barrels is enlightening. Started by Aero; Jan 30, 2025; Forum statistics. Thread starter timmymic; Start date Apr 17, 2013; Help Support Long Range Hunting Forum Become a supporting member. I also have four Hart SS centerfire barrels on custom builds and they too are superbly accurate. Many large barrel companies make different grades of barrels--including both Shilen and Wilson. One is a 6. Here is the link to the oics of my rifle & target on SH. F. Bartlein, Shilen, or Criterion Originally Posted by kingstonWilson Arms bought Cooper Rifles from Dan Cooper back in 2009. Best. You can get a hummer from them all and you can get a stinker from them all. We run barrels from Wilson, and I am looking to rebarrel my savage 300WM in a heavy contour barrel. New They're not the only ones who coat/treat stainless barrels, so there are similar options from other companies. I read a lot on this topic, and there is a difference between the slip fit barrels that Shilen sells for the 10-22, and those that have been winning many ARA matches in recent years. com. Any input is much appreciated. We get the exact same quality barrel Cooper does. I have at least one of all that you listed (except Bartlein) and several of the Rock barrels. I waited 10months to get this barrel. I’ve heard Shaw barrels have some fouling issues, and the criterion being the most expensive(I’m on a very tight budget) the shilen seems to be my best option. The Shilen costs $50 more than the Wilson ($275 vs $225) from White Oak Armament. 5 MOA and my WOA on a Many large barrel companies make different grades of barrels--including both Shilen and Wilson. 1"- . I’ll go with the Shilen ratchet . I got tired of waiting for a 1 in 12 . Just lookin g for some opinions on these three barrels, from someone with more experience than me. Home of the Wilson Combat 1911, EDC X9, WCP320, and more! Rifle Barrels - AR-15, AR-10, AR-9 & Bolt Action - Wilson Combat I have both criterion and shilen barrels and I believe you will be pleased with either one. For my build I think I'll go with the Wilson. 22RF: Muller, Shilen 224: Muller, Bartlein, Shilen 6mm: Bartlein, Krieger, Brux, Muller, Hawk Hill 6. 25 moa or better if I do my part. Shilen vs Criterion vs Wilson Combat Share Sort by: Best. PacNor is cheaper by about 60. Even though they have Wilson Combat - less known for accuracy than WOA but Wilson Combat is known for good quality. Couple of the Shilen barrels shoot, absolutely, lights out. I would not hesitate to get another one for a steel option. Shilen Vs KIDD. Mcgowen, Douglas, ER Shaw, Wilson will be an improvement over a factory non-shooter, but may not shoot any better than the best factory shooter. They both shoot great. 3" range off a front rest/rear bag setup when I do my part. . First one is a 16" bull profile 223 Wylde 1-8 stainless . He sells Kriegers, Bartleins, Shilen, Douglas, Criterion, etc. Does anyone see any difference in the 2 companies? Mike I read the Benchrest Shoot reports, and see that Shilen barrels are used by competetive shooters. Midway has a 18 inch Shilen but Shaw offers a 22 inch in 2 to 4 weeks. I wanted to get some opinions on these Wilson bolt action barrels and if anyone has done business with Barrel Brothers (raggedholebarrles. barrel, and the other is a 20 in. 5 grendel's. However, they also have shilen barrels in stock for $50 more. 7297. I have three Shilen and one Heart barrel right now and have had Douglas and they all are shooters. P. For those out there that have earlier model Cooper rifles, its quite possible you could have a Wilson, Obermeyer, Kreiger, Shilen, Lilja, Schneider or what ever they could get their hands on at the time. Dec Anyone with experience with these 3 barrels please speak up. Even though they have Also, you can get different manufactured barrels from White Oak. What is your experience with these barrels and for CMP service rifle shooting, do you think I should buy the Shilen or Wilson? John I had two Shilen Match barrels. I have Wilson 1911 parts that required gunsmith fitting so I can't say they are perfect, but the finish quality is always above average. Just recently got a Shilen 1 in 7 . They said their I have a 220 Swift Swift with a Shilen barrel, a 30'06 AI with a Douglas barrel and 4 rifles with Wilson barrels. Sell me or turn me away. Even though they have Shilen select match, 1st tier. kingston #11976395 04/16/17. I have chambered and shot hunting rifles with Shilen, Krieger, Bartlein, Brux, Hart, Broughton, and PacNor barrels. I have 223, 6. ER Shaw is one of the cheapest barrels available. Posts: 6,010. 28-0. HTH, AR15 Performance is a good place to look, they are focused on accurate hunting barrels. I've done my research and the 18" SPR barrel from Wilson Combat, will last a while longer and shoot just as accurate if not more than the white oak. 920 on my Ruger 77/22. I can say that every one of the mentioned barrels have shot Do you have any experience with a Shilen or Wilson barrel? I am specifically looking for an AR-15, but I wanted to get input from people about the barrel being used on Within those 3 the individual barrel to barrel difference is probably bigger than the average of each brand. I have been looking at Wilson select match grade barrels on ebay, and they are making some bragging statements about them being the same quality as schillen for 100. I was told by Cooper what it was but I just don't remember the details. Consistent sub MOA all day long for 5 shot groups. Basic Member Join Date Apr 2019 Location missouri Age 74 Posts 79. Full I’ve made up my mind. This is installed on a Model 11 LWH and is contour S3 savage sporter. 850 straight Thanks to all for your input. 308. All shoot rather well. Excellent finish and threading. Threads 163,686 Messages 2,153,270. When I put a new barrel on a savage, I usually go criterion, Shilen and recently X-caliber on the last 3. I have an upper with an 18" Bear Creek barrel and can't complain about accuracy. Reply. Both Wilson and Shilen are button-rifled barrels, but Shilen has a well known reputation in the benchrest community. Shilen I haven't had the chance to try a Lilja barrel but I do have a couple of Shilen barrels and they are both excellent. Then I read fnbrowning's (user name here) about JP's Super match barrels. sinarms Well-Known Member. Shilen rachet 22 Rimfire barrels along with Mueller and Benchmark represent the 3 top Rimfire competitors in today's Benchrest. After much thought, I have decided to go with a Lilja barrel, which will be dura coated to match my rig. varget204. They also make excellent center-fire Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters Wilson barrels vs schillen: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 2 of 2 : 1: 2: Re: Wilson barrels vs schillen. 488. drover 97-101 Leetes Island Road Branford, CT 06405 P: 203. 5 CM, a Shaw in 6. Re: Shilen accuracy: Select Match Grade vs Match Grade My smith won't use anything but Rock, Pac Nor, or Bartlein. S. After installed use hand turned finish reamer to deepen till headspace is perfect Exactly. R. Actually sort of correct, Wilson Barrels does not own Cooper, the owner of Wilson barrels bought Cooper Arms. I buy them when they go on sale, then I'd be looking at a higher tier (probably custom) barrel over a Wilson. Do you have any experience with a Shilen or Wilson barrel? I am specifically looking for an AR-15, but I wanted to get input from people about the barrel being used on guns other than the AR-15. Thanks . The Lilja barrels I've used in 6. They have a video bore scope and Ed showed how he inspected barrels and what he looked for. BA, & Faxon, not my favorites, one in 3 might be acceptable. 5 Creedmoor 22" and 6mm Creedmoor 22". Talk to SnowmanMo, the barrels he uses on his PTG rifles are fantastic. All Shilen Barrels are made with the same care and precision but our Match Grade barrels don't quite meet Select Match criteria-- but not by much! In these barrels, the bore must measure within . The only barrel that doesn't shoot outstanding is Wilson Barrels The Wilson arms barrel company in Brantford, Connecticut. I know bartlein is in a different league, and both shoot incredible . cambridgehomecompany. Both were select match quality. Joined Jul 11, 2021 Messages 42 Location TN. Even though they have Originally Posted by kingstonWilson Arms bought Cooper Rifles from Dan Cooper back in 2009. 00 less. After much thought, I have decided to go with a Re: Shilen Vs. BA - bargain option with more accuracy reports of "o. Have 2 Sometimes you get a factory shooter - sometimes you don't. Joined: Jan 2005. KS only sells one grade of barrel, anything that doesn't hit max match specifications is scrapped. fullcircle. Wilson was sold maybe 10 years ago, and a few years later the new owner Brownells/Shilen Fitted Mauser Barrel: Already threaded with chamber left slightly short. All of the Originally Posted by kingstonWilson Arms bought Cooper Rifles from Dan Cooper back in 2009. Wilson was sold maybe 10 years ago, and a few years later the new owner bought Cooper as well, so it makes sense that Cooper uses Wilson barrels. Wilson Arms has owned Cooper Rifles for almost 10 years now. Top. HAha. Toggle Navigation. I am building a 7mm Weatherby instead. My question is, are the Shilen, Benchmark, Brux etc. Feb 17, 2013 #7 Feb 17, 2013 Personally I think the Lilja barrels break in a little quicker and easier. Plus Wilson Combat, are sometimes good. Cant go wrong with either but Im thinking Shilen might be slightly more accurate. I’m not looking for big holes but sub 3/4 MOA tolerance is good enough for me. Aug 27, 2013 #12 Originally Posted by kingstonWilson Arms bought Cooper Rifles from Dan Cooper back in 2009. One of my Shilen came from MGM as a SS 14" 30-30AI for a Contender pistol. Even though they have The last piece of my long range ar15 is the barrel I was about to order a shillen. So I ask you, JP vs shillen? I've had real good luck with Krieger and Lilja. My SPR 18" has always been a great deal and shot awesome. Thread starter Rdb496; 5-06, a Shilen in 6. They claim that they are the same barrel used on Cooper rifles. 3. Jump to Latest 20 barrel to a KIDD heavy stainless 20 inch barrel. the barrel will finish to 30". The Wilson blanks have been very good the WOA has turned out. What kind of finishes does Shilen offer for barrels and actions? STAINLESS STEEL BARRELS-- In Stainless barrels your finish options are "left in the white" which means a bright polished finish, "glass peening" provides you with a non reflective "matte" finish, or "teflon coating" with black teflon to more closely resemble a typical matte finish blued steel appearance. But I was kinda wanting to try a mcgowen. Check them out and see if they help any. Gold $$ Contributor. Want at least a MOA or better barrel. The Shilen is OK, the Douglas is a good shooter and all four of my You can't go wrong with Shilen barrels. Even though they have I've tried every OEM barrel maker in the country over the last 15 years including Criterion, Lothar, DD, GM, Montana barrels(use to make DPMS barrels and are now called X-Caliber) and Wilson Arms(not Wilson Combat), They don't lap their barrels and some folks got some really really rough Mcgowen vs shilen vs criterion. This barrel was a I have a Faxon 9mm carbine barrel. 850 straight and a length of 24” I looked at the list of equipment that top competitors are using and Shilen has much more presence than Benchmark. Thanks for the wisdom. Phone: (415) 705-9498. All other brands and cost aside, what is the best barrel: Wilson, Shilen, Douglas, and Criterion. 00 but do I sacrifice quality? Thanks!! I'm not qualified to discuss the use of Wilson barrels for the benchrest crowd etc, but I'm very pleased with the 3 rifles I own. looking for thoughts/opinions on the the two, either one would be their higher grade the match select for Shilen, or super match for the PacNor. iceng Non-Privates. 0005" of our standard But based what people have been saying, I think I am going to go with the cheaper barrel seeing as how the Douglas is not much different from the Shilen. I have Shilen, Originally Posted by kingstonWilson Arms bought Cooper Rifles from Dan Cooper back in 2009. IMHO, for the majority of applications you'll be using an AR for, you won't be able to see the difference between most reputable barrel manufacturers. Even though they have the same owner they are separate entities. " then exceptional and with a price to match. Joined Apr 11, 2011 Messages 1,636 Location San Antonio, TX. We currently run four contours from Wilson: #2 ultra light sporter I think I'm going to build a 6mm arc. WD . They offer a nice package of barrel / bolt combination for AR's. I have RCA Adjustable gas BCG, MEGA matched billet ambi NP3 coated receiver Not trying to steal anyone's thunder but I just bought a borescope. If it was me I would go I've got barrels from E. ceteris paribus, any thoughts as to which is a better (Ed Shilen wonders if they are simply extremely accurate barrels that give the impression they're shooting through conditions. I like my Wilson Combat barrels. com). Which takes me back to crown ridge. G. Thread starter 46490; Start date Aug 1, 2021; 46490. Big difference is that Rainier stands behind their barrels 90 days refund policy. I have a Shilen 22-250 barrel and I've never seen such a dirty barrel in my life. I want to try a stainless proof barrel in 6mm ARC but I want a 22" barrel. Most people are pretty happy with them. They are the only ones I know of that use the LW50 steel, though. I know cooper rifles use Wilson barrels so they can’t be too bad. The rifle stock has been switched to a B&C stock. Just wanted to see general opinion on which one has performed better over the years. Custom barrels, actions, barreled actions, blueprint gunsmithing, reamer rentals, and free shipping on all barrels. Shilen vs er shaw. Dimension "C" is the barrel diameter at dimension "F". F: 203. 1 of 3 Go to page. If it shoots like crap I'll just buy the white oak after I sell the Wilson, but I think the Wilson should do well. I also have 2 custom chambered bartleins. Noveske, MSTN, PRI, WOA, AR Performance, Accuracy Speaks, Les Baer, JP,Compass Lake and many others use PacNor, Douglas, Shilen, Krieger, Bartlein, Hart IMO, Shilen are the most overrated barrel makers on the market right now. WRT to Cooper and Wilson barrels there is some relationship there. I don't think you'd go wrong with any of them. I think I might spend the extra $50 for a Shilen blank from WOA vs. Joined Oct 24, 2010 Messages 322 Location There was a separate sheet of paper that said "All M36 rifles have Shilen barrels. I have a 32" shilen select match SS #7 varmit straight contour barrel in 338 for sale. It's hit or miss whether you get a good one. 223 Shilen and 1 in 14 twist . I've never had a Brux, Just my thoughts on the subject. With that said, in a All Shilen Barrels are made with the same care and precision but our Match Grade barrels don't quite meet Select Match criteria-- but not by much! In these barrels, the bore must measure within . I want to stay with a 22 or 24 inch for velocity and don't want to wait a year for it. WOA standard barrels are Wilson (as are the Rock River barrels). that much better than the Wilson Combat has been the innovator in custom pistols, long guns, and accessories since 1977. The last rifle that I built with a Shilen was a 7SAUM that shot a . With the 35% exchange rate they are also a whole bunch less expensive. I dont like cheap barrels I have Douglas, Shilen, Pacnor and Lothar. No complaints but I've not shot it for groups. Wilson Combat AR barrels are good to go. k. Other than that you have a win win decision. Save Share Reply Quote Like. drover. 1holeaddict. a Wilson. kidd barrels? Jump to Latest 756 views 2 replies 3 participants last post by Gizzy Apr 25, 2007. Blank. 35" at 100 Meter I would have taken one even now if it was possible for me. I am thinking about another build and I am considering one of these barrels. Shilen improved 1/4 moa. ) The bottom line is, when Tony began shooting Shilen barrels in 1988, his percentage of Hummer Barrels increased dramatically. I ordered one last year simply because of the lead times on when I needed it. Log In/Register. if u r interested the price is $450 shipped. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. Both were chrome moly barrels. Odds are you will get at least a good one. Even though they have I'm looking to pick up one of the above mentioned barrels to put on a M70 Classic action, and planning to have it chambered in 7 Rem Mag and put in an I am looking for a new barrel for my Savage 12 FV . 5" at 100 meter when replaced at the beginning of his life he was giving approx 0. Posts: 6,021. So now you know why Mr. They are generally very accurate. Hey guys so talk to me. The offer the Criterion and Shilen pre-fit barrels. I will be going with a 26" and most likely the heavy palma contour Originally Posted by kingstonWilson Arms bought Cooper Rifles from Dan Cooper back in 2009. He says that the Shilen, Douglas and Lilja barrels can be a crap shoot if it is a good one or not. But as important as barrel quality is the chamber job. Wilson air gaged barrels are the begining range of better quality. View Profile View Forum Posts View Articles Status Offline. Aug 27, 2013 any real noticeable difference in accuracy or quality in a Shilen Match vs Shilen Select Match? rjtfroggy. Dec 14, 2021 #8 I received both my Wilson Arms 416SS Match barrels to test. 223 bull barrel and Savage target action from NSS. I don't recall ever seeing a PacNor barrel listed. 253 group at 300 yds. 0003" for the length of the barrel. Wilson Combat has some very nice accuracy oriented barrels. Wilson has been making barrels for over 50+ years and makes the barrels for Cooper Rifles. The KS Arms barrels are as good or better than the top grade barrels from any of them. This is my first center When it comes to barrels you can flip a coin to choose. Open comment sort options. 62 posts · Joined 2007 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Apr 25, 2007. If you get a shooter - leave it alone. Started by paintown; Today at 12:45 PM; Krieger 375 Cal. [email protected] [HIDDEN] Ed Shilen has forgotten more about barrels than I will ever know, and we need to learn as much from this fine gentlemen as we can. 129 posts I have heard a mix bag of reviews on the McGowen barrels. 0005" of our standard diameter and the groove cannot vary in diameter more than . Look at White Oak Armaments website, they sell excellent uppers using Criterian, Wilson and Shilen blamks. D. 22LR) and Hart (. 222 Shilen so I got the 1 in 7 since NSS had it in stock. shilen vs. I know Rock River, Armalite, WOA and Colt use Wilson Arms barrels, POF and Larue, maybe Addax use some Lothar barrels but POF also uses Rock Creek, all those are lapped production barrels. Shilen Ratchet Barrels. I have read a lot of positive reviews for Northland Shooter Supply. He said 3 groove barrels can be very accurate as can 5 groove or 4 groove or Rainier Select are made by (I think black hole), Select Match are Wilson blanks machined by compass lake or white oak, Ultra are Shilen. ujudetailzfctdiunefgybpknesujhebpkvwltvqeibgxopbptvtiomjwokeimhfnzgcz