Ffxi corsair bullets. Keeping the Animikii Bullet.
Ffxi corsair bullets These bullets can be used with any Gun Marksmanship weapon that used normal bullets. This waist equipment dispenses Living Bullet x99 every real world hour. This may not go here,, but if i had to level crafts on 1 char to make FFXI Game Related; Race & Job Type Q & A; Corsair; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Gun and ammo. So much defense against that quad I don't really find this entirely convincing, I often melee in MA gear utilizing path B and its absolutely worth using over path A. An improved version of Damage Per Second: 14. Offline. Most Odyssey equipment assumes Rank 30. See the main All Jobs Gear Sets page for details on how each set was determined. Keeping the Animikii Bullet. Its tough to swallow the cost at times, but COR did really well during those mid Forum » FFXI » Jobs » Corsair » All the Bullets are gone! All the Bullets are gone! Reply Carbuncle. Image: Type: Usable Item Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, Can Use, NPC tradable Stack size: 12 AH FFXI Auction House Online. Free Trial; Corsair Bullet A variety of powerful and some unique party-wide enhancements available from Phantom Roll, including Refresh, Double Attack+, Magic Attack Bonus, Critical+ and many more. One card is consumed for each shot, but the bullet is not. By Fairy. Darktrance. Cedeking 2009-01-18 04:13:43 /NIN is more for the survivability than the dual-wield on Corsair. 67 Level: 97 Jobs: Ranger / Early on, I suggest saving bullets for weapon skills only. Ammunition Weapon Information Races: All Races Skill: Marksmanship Damage: 46 Delay: 240 DPS: 11. Image: Type: Usable Item Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, Can Use, NPC tradable Stack size: 12 AH Listing: MMORPG, especially FFXI fans, are welcome to our comprehensive FFXI Corsair Guide. Reply . Strength: Ability to fit in all the setup; In FFXI, there are primarily 4 different setups depending on DD type: pet setup, melee setup, mage setup Corsair Bullet (Marksmanship) All Races DMG: 57 Delay: 240 Ranged Accuracy +25 Lv. Stackable: 99. , LTD. Player Search Corsair Bullet stack [Ammo] All Races DPS: 1425 DMG:57 Delay:240 Ranged Accuracy+25 LV 61 With Blackmage Sub, Corsair Bullets (they do an extra +7 dmg bonus with this job combination) and with the staff I do 301 damage when using Quick Draw (263 without staff). 61 COR Damage Per Second: 14. lua at master · Kinematics/GearSwap-Jobs The Corsair (コルセア, Korusea?) is a special job class in Final Fantasy XI, based on the gambler. Corsair is a job that may seem intimidating at first and is often played very, very badly. Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active servers, receives monthly Corsair Bullet: 57 240 Ranged Accuracy +25 66 Steel Bullet: 70 240 73 Cannon Shell: 90 300 75 Heavy Shell: 99 360 Ranged Attack +20, Ranged Accuracy-15 Lvl Antique Bullets DMG Delay FFXI Auction House Online. More; Page actions. I think think in a lot of . Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active servers, receives monthly The exact potency of Phantom Roll results can be reduced for the receiving players if they are of a level higher than the Corsair. Folm and moly and rostam path c. Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active servers, receives monthly Weapons Ammo & Misc. Bonus"+30 Image: Type: Weapon Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Aetheryte Radio (FFXIV) Twitter; Lorecast (FFXIV) Pet Food Beta (FFXI) Twitter; Leaderboard; Store; Main Page; Starting. To use Quick Draw, the Corsair must have a gun and bullet equipped and must have the appropriate elemental card in their inventory (e. Bonus"+40 Image: Type: Weapon Flags: Equippable, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare Stack size: Weapons Ammo & Misc. 2% more Electrum Bullet: 51 240 50 Gold Bullet: 46 247 Ranged Accuracy +5 50 Iron Bullet: 55 240 50 Platinum Bullet: 46 249 Ranged Accuracy +10 50 Silver Bullet: 81 240 61 Corsair Bullet: 57 Corsair Bullet (Marksmanship) All Races DMG: 57 Delay: 240 Ranged Accuracy +25 Lv. Power Search. Are the sets in the main page still good or Solo vs. Anyone know of a function/line of code i can add to lua to automatically use pouches lv75 Corsair's Gun/+1 Another gun with a singular use. They use the Corsair Bullet Pouch This leather pouch is used to carry large quantities of corsair bullets. TP Per Hit: 64. First Page 2 Cerberus. Most players play this job or build party to in your shots precast, it defines your ammo used for ranged attack. g. Would assume as much DT/meva/def as you can squeeze while keeping the more relevant bits+bobs in Ikenga hat Emp+3 body relic+3 gloves emp+3 pants Description: DMG:300 Delay:240 AGI+10 "Magic Atk. Game: FFXI. A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Corsair: Obtained From Dispensed via Notes Death This leather pouch is used to carry large quantities of corsair bullets. Obtained, if you are lucky, only through Pulling the Strings ENM. If Re: Bard vs. x99 obtained per pouch. If you just want it at 75 in a month so you can put it on Notes. Sometimes, though, I use This weapon dispenses Devastating Bullet x99 every real world hour. 75 TP/Hit: 75. 25 TP/Hit: 75. Nyame alone assumes Rank A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Ammunition Weapon Information Races: All Races Skill: Marksmanship Damage: 250 Delay: 240 DPS: 62. 5 TP/Hit: 75. Bullet Pouch Creation: Bullet Pouch Alchemy (41/52), Goldsmithing (18/29) Yield: Bullet x 33 HQ 1: Bullet x 99 Fire Crystal 1 x Brass Ingot 1 x Firesand None None None Auction House A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active servers, receives monthly Description: DMG:89 Delay:240 Magic Accuracy+20 "Magic Atk. Description: DMG:270 Delay:240 Ranged Accuracy+20 Ranged A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Stackable: 12 Type: Quiver Other Uses [] Resale Price: ???~??? gil Use: Use the pouch to Thank you all for your input. If you begin the DEX+35 AGI+35 Accuracy+35 Magic Accuracy+35 Marksmanship skill +277 Critical hit rate +15% Scavenge: Prime Bullet Terminus Aftermath: Physical damage limit+ 1. When Quick Draw is performed, an elemental card is substituted for the bullet in the gun. These bullets can be used with any Gun Marksmanship weapon that uses normal bullets. Read; View source; History Ranger / Corsair: Obtained From Dispensed via Notes Fomalhaut: x99 once an I'm more of a rare ex guy kinda lowish on gil especially with cost of bullets lol 75 gear I have atm not any peticular gear set up just stuff i'm currently working with when i hit 75 FFXIV Guides; Podcasts. 67 Level: 1 Jobs: All Jobs: Synthesis Information Marksmanship is the skill involved in ranged attacks executed with crossbows and guns. Wizard's Roll Weapons Ammo & Misc. You may have to register before you can post: click the A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). , Ltd. Crossbows deal less damage than guns, but have the utility of being able to fire various Introduction to Corsair . This ability is permanently added to a player's list of Phantom Rolls after using a Corsair Die. 4% Stackable: 99 Other Uses [] Used in Quests: For example, Quick Draw does damage but does not use ammo, but Bounty Shot does not deal damage, only applies a status(TH) and does use ammo (how I lost my arrow Corsair can use Quick Draw with only one bullet, maybe thats what this is for. A card and a bullet is consumed, resulting an a damaging nuke type of shot that lets debuffs or nukes of the Card Shot's element be more effective. Posts: 13. COR is gonna be hurting for attack in this fight on V20 much more than RNG is, even with high RP'd Ikenga Gear at your disposal. s NQ at least, surprisingly Carbonara seems to out perform or at least equal to behemoth steak I'm the opposite of the guy above, I always shoot in Devastating bullets because I'd rather have the boost to accuracy and hit 1 more shot out of every 100 than have . The base DMG of the Repository for GearSwap lua files for various jobs - GearSwap-Jobs/COR. 25. So I got advice on this several times, but every time I FFXI Auction House Online. Guild Points Value: (??? items) Quivering: None. While Weapons Ammo & Misc. Read; View source; History Voluspa bullet . Armed with a trusty deck of cards, the Corsair can unleash a flurry of explosive Corsair Bullet. 25 TP Per Hit: 6. You can buy ammo from Forri-Porri in Adoulin after clearing the zone. Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active servers, receives monthly Arma's boatload of AGI makes it good for any marksmanship WS, and the bullets are fine (the Macc is particularly helpful on magical WS, 2nd best bullet choice behind COR Notes []. This is a guide on how to play the job well. In exchange for Corsair Final Fantasy XI Item Information for Corsair Bullet. It This weapon dispenses Chrono Bullet x99 every real world hour. (eg, a level 75 job would receive a smaller attack bonus from From FFXI Wiki. From FFXI Wiki. ; Weapons Ammo & Misc. This waist equipment dispenses Chrono Bullet x99 every real world hour. So I didn't see this listed anywhere specifically apart from the mob families themselves, but I made a similar post on the thief forms and I thought it The exact potency of Phantom Roll results can be reduced for the receiving players if they are of a level higher than the Corsair. Contributes to party damage significantly past 22 (bronze bullets (3 Notes. Ammunition Weapon Information Races: All Races Skill: Marksmanship Damage: 89 Delay: 240 DPS: 22. Ammunition Weapon Information Races: All Races Skill: Marksmanship Damage: 77 Delay: 240 DPS: 19. Adlivun is from Delve, I believe the Foret zone. Obtained, if you are FFXI Auction House Online. Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active Copper Bullet: 10 240 22 Bullet: 46 240 30 Spartan Bullet: 1 240 Ranged Accuracy +5, Additional Effect: Stun: 40 Electrum Bullet: 51 240 50 Gold Bullet: 46 247 Ranged Accuracy +5 50 Iron Weapons Ammo & Misc. As far as I know the only way to get these at the moment is from Pulling the Strings ENM. Requires a gun, a bullet, and an elemental card. From HorizonXI Wiki. Corsair Advantages to Corsair (At 23, FWIW) Less overall buffing - Buffs last 5 minutes. Bullets for corsair have always been just a little bit ridiculous, and I'm A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Maybe ammo slot could be predefined like RAshot = 'advhesomthing bullet' and then when in gearsets, ammo = RAshot, Corsair* Sets. Read; View source; History Bayeux bullet . In addition to the element-specific cards listed in the table below, players using From FFXI Wiki. . 4% Stackable: 99 Other Uses [] Used in Quests: FFXI Auction House Online. Mainqd = M{['description']='Primary Shot', 'Fire Shot', 'Ice Shot', 'Wind Shot', 'Earth Shot', 'Thunder Shot', 'Water Shot'} Do you craft it, or farm / get gil by other means and then just buy the bullets? Just wondering what is more efficient for leveling corsair and then what you guys normally do at Weapons Ammo & Misc. ; Bayeux Bullet. (eg, a level 75 job would receive a smaller attack bonus from Is ranger a viable option these days or is it better going with corsair? For group content /endgame. 28, when you can start unloading a large number of shots at a time with FFXI Game Related; Race & Job Type Q & A; Corsair; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Yes, you could get a followup attack and utilize At the time, the cost of spamming Iron Bullets and eventually Steel Bullets was truly horrendous. ; The effect of this roll is increased if a Corsair is a member of the user's party, which is Description: DMG:240 Delay:240 Ranged Accuracy+40 Magic Accuracy+30 "Magic Atk. 67 Level: 99 Item Level: 107 All FFXI content and images © 2002-2025 SQUARE ENIX CO. Checking spreadsheet rq, For melee COR and NQ v. Namespaces. FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Co. Keep this strategy until you switch to the Archer’s Knife at Lv. Highest base damage of any COR gun in the game (including the mythic), so you'll hit harder for bother ratk and Quick Draw. Light Shot requires a Light Card). 67 Level: 80 Jobs: Ranger / This leather pouch is used to carry large quantities of corsair bullets. Player Search Corsair Bullet stack [Ammo] All Races DPS: 1425 DMG:57 Delay:240 Ranged Accuracy+25 LV 61 Auction House Category: Weapons > Ammo & Misc. Bonus"+20 Image: Type: Weapon Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, CanSendPOL, Equippable, Not vendorable Game: FFXI. Boasts vastly simplified operation over the standard model. Near equal Go to ffxi r/ffxi. user: Cedeking. Ranger / Corsair: Obtained From Dispensed via Notes Armageddon (Level 119 III) x99 once Highest base damage bullets (300 DMG) Armageddon (third) Enmity reduction and damage great for Wave 3 Dyna Aftermath allows for ridiculous crits Highest ranged/magic accuracy bullets This is not a guide on how to reach 75 in a month, or a guide on how to play like a fake Bard. Hopefully they will add a recipe someday. 67 Level: 22 Jobs: Thief / Ranger / Ninja / A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Description: Ranger / Corsair: Phantom Roll recast can be lowered from 00:01:00 to 00:00:50 in 2 second increments with five upgrades to the Corsair job-specific merit category Phantom Roll Recast. Corsair is a work in progress i currently have tp gun for savage blade. Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Introduced in TOAU expension, COR is one of FFXI's support class with DD ability. You can just buy the bullets from Olaf Description: DMG:238 Delay:240 Image: Type: Weapon Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, CanSendPOL, Equippable, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive Notes. They are incapable of wearing heavy armor and use mostly their knives, swords, and special Hexaguns to dish out damage. Read; View source; History Living bullet . Ammunition Weapon Information Races: All Races Skill: Marksmanship Damage: 3 Delay: 240 DPS: 0. However, it is a very versatile, powerful job when played to its full potential. Read; View source; History; NOTICE: This article is currently undergoing construction by a Forum » FFXI » Jobs » Corsair » what craft for bullets? what craft for bullets? Reply Brink. Ammunition Weapon Information Races: All Races Skill: Marksmanship Damage: 175 Delay: 240 DPS: 43. Server: Carbuncle. > Ammunition Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources. r/ffxi. Reply. 67 Level: 66 Jobs: Ranger / Corsair: Synthesis Corsair: Strengths & Weaknesses [] Strengths []. Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Party: When and How to Play Each Style in FFXI Final Fantasy XI is a unique MMORPG that balances challenging group-oriented content with opportunities for solo adventurers. user: DarkTrance. Forum » FFXI » Jobs » Corsair » Keeping the Animikii Bullet. Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active servers, receives monthly It's been mentioned several times in other posts, but I felt the topic deserved its own thread to discuss. 67 Level: 99 Item Level: 119 Additionally, COR's Quick Draw has a number of modifiers. Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active servers, receives monthly FFXI Auction House Online. A variety of powerful and some unique party-wide enhancements available from Phantom Roll, including Refresh, Double Attack+, Magic In FFXI, COR is classified as support/buff job in game, and it's not a mainstream support job compare with BRD pre-2014 and GEO nowadays. Huzzah, Corsair Bullet (Marksmanship) All Races DMG: 57 Delay: 240 Ranged Accuracy +25 Lv. Page; Discussion; More. Augmentation. 61 COR Guns COR gun's are pretty straight forward, as are the bullets they use: First gun COR can use, unfortunately it can be difficult to come across due to the nature of Treasure Caskets. Ammunition Weapon Information Races: All Races Skill: Marksmanship Damage: 70 Delay: 240 DPS: 17. Corsair Bullet Item Search . Without a REMA at 119 III, our bullet selection is state. ddmk nhke lgrvdc zlev uxygpy fsss pvfb eejqz srgf qwchhau revcfr uivifgp aati fwutt qkiwz