Cfw11 vectrue inverter 1X Publication Date: 01/2018. Therefore, this section brings a general description of the DeviceNet protocol operation, containing the functions used by the CFW-11. Wmagnet Drive System® Frequency inverter system with permanent magnet motors (Wmagnet), the motor with the highest efficiency in the market with the CFW11 inverter. Inverter smart cooling VECTRUE INVERTER Publication Number QS002CFW08 1/4 to (1. 3X Programming Manual. 1 and 11. Operation of the cfw11 frequency inverter using the ethercat protocol (37 pages) DC Drives WEG CFW-11 Installation And Operation Manual (36 pages) The central characteristic of this product is the "Vectrue" technology, which presents the following advantages: (V/f), V VW or vector control programmable in the same product. 1X Documento: 10006315851 / 00 MANUAL DE PROGRAMAÇÃO 03/2019 Figure 3. J Two (2) types of vector control: sensorless and with encoder Série: CFW-11M/W G2 RB Idioma: Português Versão do Software: 1. Programming and Troubleshooting Manual Series: CFW700 Language: English Document Number: 10001006882 / 00 Software Version: 1. 1 SENSORLESS CONTROL AND WITH ENCODER. 11. Refer to the DeviceNet documentation indicated above Vectrue Technology® - Tecnología de Control de Convertidores de Frecuencia WEG. Summary The main characteristic of this product is the "Vectrue" technology, which has the following advantages: Scalar control (V/f), V V W or vector control programmable in the same product. CFW-11 inverter pdf manual download. Control escalar V/F lineal y ajustable, VVW (Voltage Vector WEG) y vectorial en el mismo producto Como alternativa al uso de resistores de frenado, el CFW11 ofrece una tecnología nueva de frenado en control vectorial, chamada Optimal Braking® (Frenado Optimo This User's Manual provides information on the CFW-11, a high performance variable frequency drive for controlling speed and torque of three-phase AC induction motors. O CFW11 foi desenvolvido com base na filosofia Plug & Play, que permite uma instalação simples e rápida do inversor e seus PLC11-02 V1. Installation and Connection. U, V and W Arms: Set of two IGBTs forming the inverter output phases U, V and W. ok Operation of the cfw11 frequency inverter using the ethercat protocol (37 pages) DC Drives WEG CFW-11 Series Manual (36 pages) Inverter WEG CFW11 Applications Manual. NOTE! Frequency inverters may interfere in other electronic devices. Price details. (2) The motor power ratings are merely a guide for 230 V or 460 V, IV pole The WEG Variable Speed Drive CFW11 is a high-performance device designed for speed and torque control of three-phase induction motors. 0 °C - RO 09, 45 15-4 Operation of the cfw11 frequency inverter using the ethercat protocol (37 pages) DC Drives WEG CFW-11 Programming Manual (291 pages) DC Drives WEG CFW500 User Manual. Keypad is normally supplied with the CFW11, this is a replacement item. F186: It indicates a temperature fault at the × Close Quote creation for third-party products. Summary Chapter 0 Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms DC Link: Inverter intermediate circuit; DC voltage obtained from the rectification of the AC input voltage or from an external power supply. The CFW11 has been designed based on the plug-and The CFW11 has many useful and convenient functions for the customers, especially because of its simple installation and operation. 6dihw\ ,qvwuxfwlrqv 6$)(7< ,16758&7,216 7klv pdqxdo surylghv lqirupdwlrq iru wkh surshu lqvwdoodwlrq dqg rshudwlrq ri wkh &): iuhtxhqf\ lqyhuwhu Inverter WEG CFW11 Applications Manual. It can be used CFW-11, through its Vectrue Inverter technology, presents excellent static and dynamic performance, precise torque and speed control, dynamic response, %PDF-1. Version Review Description Page 6: Information On Cfw-11 Inverters Relating To The Control Card Addendum to the CFW-11 User's Manual 2 INFORMATION ON CFW-11 INVERTERS RELATING TO THE CONTROL CARD 2. Sign In Upload. Refer section Incompatibility Between Parameters in the programming manual of the CFW700. Operation of the cfw11 frequency inverter using the ethercat protocol (37 pages) DC Drives WEG CFW-11 Programming Manual The inverter will display “P201” on the LED/LCD displays. Our in house technicians refurbish a wide range of high failure, obsolete parts such as: AC/DC Servo Drives, Amplifiers, Touch Screens/ HMI's, Power Supplies, PLC's, Sensors, and virtually any industrial Circuit Boards. 1X Document: 10001773425 / 03. 00 (20% off) What does this price mean? Recent sales price provided by the seller. ok In order to operate the CFW-11 frequency inverter in a DeviceNet network, it is necessary to know the manner this communication is performed. 30 o versión superior. This document is a user manual for the CFW-11 frequency inverter. Version Review Description 1-800-ASK-4WEG www. View online or download Weg CFW-09 User Manual, Installation Manual Keypad for WEG CFW-11 and CFW500 series Inverter Drives. 5 CFW11 0211 T 2 × Close Quote creation for third-party products. 3 Output Connections. 06/2018 The CFW11 has many useful and convenient functions for the customers, especially because of its simple installation and operation. The CFW-11, through its Vectrue Inverter technology, presents excellent static and dynamic performance, precise torque and speed control, dynamic response, positioning precision, and high overload capacity. weg automation cfw-11 users manual. 2 of P0179 to 120 %. Generación de cotizaciones para productos de terceros. 9 CFW11 0180 T 2 265 125 7. It feeds the inverter output IGBT bridge. NOTE! Read this manual completely before installing or operating this Buy WEG NACFW110105T40N1Z CFW-11 Vectrue Inverter VS Drive 480V 105A CFW11 11128979: Controls - Amazon. 6 CFW11 - Variable Speed Drives Applications The CFW11 can be used in both simple or sophisticated applications, due to its broad range of functions and easy configuration, installation and operation. 3. Criação de cotação para produtos de terceiros. × Close Quote creation for third-party products. SUB: DC link Frequency inverter CFW-11 features as accessory the Anybus-CC communication modules. Observe the recommendations of Chapter 3 INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION on page 3-1 in order to minimize those effects. 99 FROM SERIAL NUMBER 1011361739 ATTENTION! Firmware version V3. The main characteristic of this product is the “Vectrue” The CFW-11, through its Vectrue Inverter technology, presents excellent static and dynamic performance, precise torque and speed control, g Provided in a compact design the CFW11 Series allows WEG-cfw11-users-manual-400v-sizes-f-g-and-h-10000784107-en - Free download as PDF File (. The CFW11 has been designed based on the plug-and-play technology, which allows a simple and quick installation of the inverter and its accessories. Frequency Inverter CFW-11 V3. Also for: Cfw090009tgz. ind. This is the first parameter in the “Oriented Start-up × Close Quote creation for third-party products. 00 AND V4. List price US $3,500. CFW11 variable frequency inverters come with normal- and heavy-duty ratings. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Vectrue technology (6 pages) Inverter WEG CFW-09 Installation Manual. 0X Publication Date: 06/2011. CFW09 dc drives pdf manual download. weg. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. The HMI has a navigation and programming system with soft keys. ATTENTION! The inverter has an electronic motor overload protection that must be adjusted according to the driven motor. 06/2018 DC Bus: Inverter intermediate circuit; DC voltage obtained from the rectification of the AC input voltage or from an external power supply; feeds the output inverter bridge with IGBTs. 5620 / 05 Software Version: 3. Follow the recommendations listed in Chapter 3 INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION on page 3-1, to minimize these effects. The following graph shows the advantages of using Optimal Braking® compared to other methods, thus ensuring an ideal, optimized and low cost solution for braking applications. Share. The main characteristic of this product is the "Vectrue" Series: CFW-11 RB Language: English Software Version: 2. The following active modules are available for CFW-11: DeviceNet Profibus DP-V1 EtherNet/IP The CFW700 frequency inverter is a high performance product designed for speed and torque control of threephase induction motors. 1X Publication Date: 03/2012. 00 or higher CANNOT be used on inverters WEG NACFW110105T40 N1Z CFW-11 Vectrue Inverter VS Drive 480V 105A CFW11 11128979. net A-28 c FW09 Data is subject to change without notice. CFW-11 Frequency Inverter 3 Technology - Patents Vectrue Technology TM WEG FREQUENCY INVERTER CONTROL TECHNOLOGY J Linear and adjustable V/f scalar, VVW (Voltage Vector WEG) and vector controls are available in the same product. 4X – CFW11 V1. 90 o versión superior. The incompatibilities between P0296 and P0297 are shown in option 36 of item 5. Summary of Reviews The information below describes the revisions made to this manual. br m ' ' ] =m @ . Add to my manuals. &$// 12: KWWS ZZZ DXWRPDWHGSW FRP(PDLO FKDUOHV#DXWRPDWHGSW FRP The CFW11 frequency inverter incorporates Plug and Play technology automatically recognizing and configuring accessories and options used, enabling easy installation and safe operation while WEG CFW11 Series AC Inverter for 250kW (335HP) 400V 3 Ph motor to 477A at high overload, or 280kW (375HP) to 515A when Fan/Pump rated. × Close Quote creation for third-party products. This document provides the basic information needed to install, start-up in V/f control mode and troubleshoot the most common problems of the CFW-11 frequency inverter series. 8 to 28A) 1/4 to (l to 30A) 1-800-ASK-4WEG (275-4934) e Transforming Energy into Solutions . URL of this page: Operation of the cfw11 frequency inverter using the ethercat protocol (37 pages) DC Drives WEG CFW-11 Installation And Operation Manual (36 pages) DC Drives WEG CFW × Close Quote creation for third-party products. Delete from my manuals. PLC11-02 V1. txt) or read online for free. Programming Manual Series: CFW701 Language: English Document: 10001461481 / 02 Software Version: 2. The CFW11, through its vectrue inverter technology, presents excellent static and dynamic performance, precise torque and speed control, WEG CFW11 Series AC Inverter for 45kW (60HP) 400V 3 Ph motor to 88A at high overload, or 55kW (75HP) to 105A when Fan/Pump rated. DC Bus: Inverter intermediate circuit; DC voltage obtained from the rectification of the AC input voltage or from an external power supply; feeds the output inverter bridge with IGBTs. Download Table of Contents Contents. Homepage | WEG Operation of the cfw11 frequency inverter using the ethercat protocol (37 pages) DC Drives WEG CFW-11 Installation And Operation Manual (36 pages) The principal characteristic of this product is the “Vectrue” technology, which presents the following advantages: Scalar Control (V/f), VVW or vector control programmable in the same product Vectrue Technology® Linear and adjustable V/F, VVW (Voltage Vector WEG) and vector control are available on CFW11 The CFW11 was developed based on Plug & Play philosophy, identifying automatically the accessories plugged in, as well as easy installation and safe operation with no need for extra configuration. Solar pump drive (33 pages) Inverter is back to normal operation Motor Speed The CFW-11, through its Vectrue Inverter technology, presents excellent static and dynamic performance, precise torque and speed control, dynamic response, positioning precision, and high overload capacity. net 3 Variable Frequency Drives CFW11 (NEMA1/IP21 Frame size A, B, C – NEMA1/IP20 Frame Size D) Motor Volts ND HP HD HP ND Amps HD Amps CATALOG NUMBER Frame Size Dynamic Braking DIMENSIONS Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for WEG Vectrue Inverter Cfw11 - CFW110088T4SZ Keypad Cfw11-hmi 72 Lbs VSD at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! at the inverter power-up. O CFW11 possui inovações tecnológicas que simplificam a sua configuração e operação, a instalação de seus acessórios é baseada na The adequate inverter sizing must be based on the used motor rated current. On those inverters the control board revision is “C” (CC11C). 2. Programming Manual Series: CFW-11 Language: English Document Number: 0899. 4 %âãÏÓ 55914 0 obj > endobj xref 55914 35 0000000016 00000 n 0000021212 00000 n 0000021433 00000 n 0000021472 00000 n 0000021966 00000 n 0000022710 00000 n 0000022765 00000 n 0000022879 00000 n 0000022995 00000 n 0000023598 00000 n 0000024238 00000 n 0000025263 00000 n 0000025848 00000 n 0000026114 00000 n Series: CFW-11 RB Language: English Software Version: 2. A característica central deste produto é a tecnologia "Vectrue", a qual apresenta as seguintes vantagens: Controle escalar (V/f), VVW ou controle vetorial programáveis no mesmo produto. WEG Automation - Products and Solutions www. ok Operation of the cfw11 frequency inverter using the ethercat protocol (37 pages) DC Drives WEG CFW-11 Installation And Operation Manual (36 pages) The principal characteristic of this product is the "Vectrue" technology, which presents the following advantages: Scalar Control (V/f), VVW or vector control programmable in the same product. Power Connections and Keypad Operation: The CFW08 Quick Start Guide is a supplement to help get the CFW08 started quickly using the most common installation This user's manual provides information for the proper installation and operation of the WEG CFW-11 frequency inverter. 00 or higher CANNOT be used on inverters with serial number under 1011361739, that use a control board with Incompatible”, and the inverter status will change to: “Config”, and P0006=Configuration. Active Module: it has all the required hardware and software to perform the communication. ok operation. Power Modules U, V, and W: Set of . River City Industrial (15142) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $2,800. The CFW11 can be used in both simple and sophisticated applications, due to its broad range of functions and easy configuration, installation and operation. Two mounting options are also available: flange and surface. Introducción a la PLC11 10 3 INTRODUCCIÓN A LA PLC11 La PLC11 es una tarjeta de expansión que puede ser instalado en el CFW-11, agregando funcionalidades de un Figure 3. The CFW-11 was also developed for WEG CFW11 VECTRUE INVERTERS Page Two automatic control with additional protection, and can be detached easily from the unit for cleaning and maintenance. ok WEG CFW11 Series AC Inverter for 37kW (50HP) 400V 3 Ph motor to 73A at high overload, or 45kW (60HP) to 88A when Fan/Pump rated. CFW11 - Inversor de Frequência 5 Inovador e de Fácil Utilização O CFW11 apresenta muitas funções úteis e vantajosas para os clientes, principalmente devido à sua simplicidade de instalação e operação. 00. Converts fixed frequency three phase 400V input to variable frequency three phase 400V to control the speed of a standard AC induction motor or × Close Quote creation for third-party products. Power modules U, V, and W: Set of two IGBTs of the inverter output phases U, V, and W. Frequency inverter (20 pages) GENERAL INFORMATION Inverters with safety stop option have suffix Y (CFW-11 and Frequency inverters may cause interference in other electronic devices. CFW11 Vectrue Inverter Data is subject to change without notice. CFW110070T4ON1Z at Applied. 为第三方产品创建报价. P0033 Rectifier Temperature -20. com, which includes; Variable Frequency Drive, 380-480 V Three Phase, Normal/Heavy Rating, 50 HP Normal Duty, 40 HP Heavy Duty, Inverter Duty. The CFW11, through its Vectrue Inverter technology, presents excellent static and dynamic performance, precise torque and speed control, dynamic response, WEG provides global solutions for electric motors, variable frequency drives, soft starters, controls, panels, transformers, and generators. ATTENTION! Firmware version V3. The manual contains sections on safety instructions, general information, × Close Quote creation for third-party products. 13 - (a) and (b) - Sequence for the connection cables of DC+ and DC- for connection of an external braking module to CFW-11 inverter. net CFW11 - Convertidor de Frecuencia 7 Flujo Óptimo® J Tecnología para motores accionados por convertidores de frecuencia en aplicaciones con característica de torque constante J Torque nominal en bajas velocidades, eliminando la necesidad de ventilación forzada o sobredimensionamiento del motor J Reducción de espacio y costos para la aplicación Frequency Inverter. DANGER! Vectrue Technology® - Tecnologia de Controle dos Inversores de Frequência WEG. The CFW11 is a system drive designed for the control of squirel cage induction motors. CFW11 0142 T 2 138 65 3. Modification in figures 11. Operates in VxF, Sensorless Vector or Full Closed-loop Flux Vector. 4X – WLP V8. 3X Publication Date: 08/2020. ok Manual do Usuario Linha CFW11 Weg - viewtech. Frequency inverter (2 pages) Inverter WEG CFW11 Applications Manual. Principle among these are Plug-and Play technology which automatically recognises and The AFWs, through its vectrue inverter technology, presents excellent static and dynamic performance, precise torque and speed contro, dl ynamic response, postoii ning accuracy, and hgi h overoal d capactiy. It is capable of operating in several control modes including scalar (V/f) control, V V W (Voltage Vector WEG) control, and vector control with or without an encoder. 7 - Bottom front cover removal At the CFW11 0180 T 2 O N1, CFW11 0211 T 2 O N1, CFW11 0180 T 4 O N1 and CFW11 0211 T 4 O N1 inverters (supplied with Nema1 kit), it is also necessary to remove the front cover of the Nema1 kit bottom part in order to be able to execute the power section electric installation – Frequency Inverter CFW700 Programming and Troubleshooting Manual. DANGER! Crushing hazard In order to ensure safety in load lifting applications, electric and/or mechanical devices must be installed outside the inverter for protection against accidental fall of load. 3-24 | CFW-11. number starting at 1011361739 and firmware version V3. Solar pump drive (33 pages) Inverter WEG CFW-11 User Manual. ok CFW11 Vectrue Inverter Data is subject to change without notice. The CFW-11 was also developed for applications where the decisive factor is safety, through several built-in protections and alarms as well Shop Weg Electric Corp. or Best Offer. 0 to 150. 3. Summary of Reviews The table below describes all revisions made to this manual. ok of the inverter to suit the widest range of drive applications: stand alone, and centralised and decentralised withnetworks. 1 FIRMWARE VERSION BETWEEN V3. 7 of this manual. What makes the CFW11 so unique is the number of features that combine to produce an overall systems platform. 1X Programming Manual. Only trained and qualified personnel should attempt to install, start-up, and troubleshoot this type of equipment. 4X – WSCAN V1. Do not execute any applied potential test on the inverter! If necessary, contact WEG. pdf), Text File (. This addendum provides specific information on CFW-11/CFW-11M inverters with serial number starting at 1011361739 and firmware version V3. Four control modes in one drive, linear and adjustable V/F, VVW (Voltage Vector WEG), sensorless vector and closed loop vector (encoder interface factory built) Optimal Braking® - WEG Frequency Inverters Braking Technology . The CFW-11 was also developed for applications where the decisive factor is safety, through several built-in protections and alarms as well Frequency Inverter CFW701 V2. Pre-charge Contactor Inverter CFW11 frame size E powered by DC Link: Fault P0355 should be programd to 0. The AFWs were also deveol ped for appcil atoi ns Frequency Inverter Cabinet 13 Inverter CFW11 / CFW500 / CFW700 Power source 380-480 It indicates that the inverter is in the Oriented Start-up routine or with „ incompatible parameter programming. ok Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for NEW IN BOX WEG DRIVE CFW-11 VECTRUE INVERTER NACFW110070T4SZ at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! www. Anybus-CC modules are divided into two types: active and passive. Different communication objects available to CANopen are also used via Frequency Inverter CFW700 V2. Vectrue Technology® - WEG Variable Speed Drive Control Technology. Converts fixed frequency three phase 400V input to variable frequency three phase 400V to control the speed of a standard AC induction motor or Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms 0-2 0 Parameter Function Adjustable Range Factory Setting User Setting Proprieties Groups Pag. For the CFW500 this is an optional remote keypad (Only suitable for G2 CFW500s) This keypad provides the facility to upload and download the parameters stored in the CFW11 as well as programming and operating the unit. ok Vectrue Technology. Converts fixed frequency three phase 400V input to variable frequency three phase 400V to control the speed of a standard AC induction motor or The CFW-11, through its Vectrue Inverter technology, presents excellent static and dynamic performance, precise torque and speed control, dynamic response, positioning precision, and high overload capacity. On those inverters the control board revision is “C” or higher. CFW09 Vectrue Inverter Variable Frequency Drives Applications g Pumps g Fans / Blowers g Conveyors g Compressors g Agitators and Mixers g Extruders g Grizzly Feeders g Centrifuges g Cranes and Hoists g Rollout Tables g Presses g Saws The WEG CFW09 Series of Variable Frequency the “Vectrue” technology, with the following control modes: Scalar control (V/f), VVW, “Sensorless vector control” and “Vector control Mount the inverter in the upright position on a flat and vertical surface. The principal characteristic of this product is the “Vectrue” technology, which presents the following advantages: Scalar control (V/f), V V W or vector control 17274188 Pre- CFW11 Frequency Inverter - WEG O inversor de frequência CFW-11 é um produto de alta performance que permite o controle de velocidade e torque de motores de indução trifásicos. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for NEW IN BOX WEG DRIVE CFW-11 VECTRUE INVERTER NACFW110017T40N1Z at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Send us your list of surplus for a price! Ask us for any electronic repairs you may need, or google us for a repair quote. It provides information on safety, installation, operation, maintenance and specifications. PROGRAMMING MANUAL. NOTE! Fully read this manual before installing or operating the inverter. Page 85 - Ambient with pollution degree 2 (according to EN50178 and UL508C). Only trained personnel, with proper qualifications, and familiar with the CFW-11 and associated machinery shall plan and implent the installation, starting, operation, and mainten For frequency inverter CFW11, the CANopen over EtherCAT (CoE) device profile is available, where the CANopen protocol is applied to EtherCAT. ok Weg CFW-09 Pdf User Manuals. Programming Manual Series: CFW700 Language: English Document: 10001006882 / 05 Software Version: 2. DANGER! Crushing Hazard WEG Cfw 11 a Users Guide 10000063093 Manual English - Free download as PDF File (. jjjvdnnparwrsnnfzeflphigkagndwjpbueekcmkdgnwicoukxiykmgdzqvgzvopglanmehadsizdnzryiayxnc