Cerritos edu email To schedule an appointment with the Vice President of Academic Affairs, please email Julie Mun at jmun@Cerritos. The ASCC sticker is an If you have purchased a ticket for the wrong performance you will need to email: pac@cerritos. PST Report Website/Accessibility Issues Accessibility Statement. 2096. , Norwalk, CA 90650, Multi-Purpose Building (First Floor) Office Hours. gmail. 11110 Alondra Blvd. hr@cerritos. Thursday: 8 am - 4:00 pm. Does Cerritos College offer a Teacher Training Program? We do not offer a Teacher Training Program; we recommend you search thru the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology website for possible training sites. VICTOR UFONDU Program Assistant. Click "Install Creative Cloud app" Double click on the installation file. edu Chris Dela Cruz, Student Activities Coordinator cdelacruz@cerritos. Please note that we are not using Outlook email at Cerritos College. Email Job Title; Castro, Veronica: 3226: vcastro@cerritos. Be sure that the email attachment is not greater than 10MB in size. , Norwalk, CA 90650 Office (562) 860-2451, ext. Tuesday: 8 am - 4:30 pm. Friday 8 am - 3:00 pm. edu), which is being used by 83. Prizes: 1st prize: $250. Norwalk, CA - 1/31/2025, (562) 860-2451, Ext. @student. edu Instagram @cerritoscounseling Phone Hours (562) 467-5231. edu: Financial Aid Technician: Horton, Anabelle: 2394: ahorton@cerritos. Log in to https://cerritos. To schedule an appointment with the Dean of Academic Affairs & email: srojas@cerritos. Supplemental Documents: Please submit the following documents via email to research@cerritos. Cerritos College is proud to provide quality Veterans Affairs services to our Veteran student population. Trustee Area 4. edu Instagram @cerritoscounseling Computer Lab Email: studentcomputerhelp@cerritos. Summer 2020 Add/Drop Dates Name Ext. In-person. 2660. Phone: (562) 860-2451 Emergency: (562) 924-3618 Police Department . 7. Obazuaye. Chat with Computer Lab Staff << Previous: Back to Home; Next: Email. Phone Hours (562) 467-5231. How to switch between the softphone and deskphone when working. I'm interested Contact Information Phone: (562) 860-2451 x2985 E-mail: afortner@cerritos. 5 GPA or higher in all college coursewor Fully completed application with signature and all necessary/required documents includ Included High School/GED Transcrip Included UNOFFICIAL College/University Transcrip Included UNOFFICIAL TEAS 7 (Test of Essential Students should e-mail the completed form to Admissions and Records at the following e-mail address: admissions-info@Cerritos. admissions-info@cerritos. Monday: 8 Friday: 8 am - 4:30 pm. Faculty Resources. TROUBLE RECEIVING YOUR CERRITOS COLLEGE ID NUMBER? Please complete the Admission Application Issue form to report your issue. 2395 or email. Summer 2020 Add/Drop Dates. studentcomputerhelp@cerritos. Child Development Center Cerritos College has an on-site child care for children ages 2. Questions? Contact: FAQ - Help with Mitel Switching Between the softphone and deskphone. falcon@cerritos. PST 105. Get Aujoneih Banks's email address (a*****@cerritos. Stay Connected. Monday - Friday please contact Bode Majekodunmi in the Human Resources Department at bmajekodunmi@cerritos. Resources. Monday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. ; After you have entered your email, press next, the webpage should change to the MyCerritos Portal login page. edu; Problems with Cerritos College is a public comprehensive community college located in Norwalk, California, offering degrees and certificates in 87 areas of study in nine divisions. Phone: (562) 860-2451 Emergency: (562) 924-3618 Email: mvalencia@cerritos. TTE VA. Home Email: tech-info@cerritos. Mondays 2:00 - 3:00 pm in Skills Lab 107 Tuesdays on Zoom 6:00-7:00 pm Wednesdays 5:00 - 6:00 pm in Skills Lab 109. I want to Include your student ID number, email address, and phone number on the first page of the document; do not include your name anywhere on the document Please submit to: Sarra Ben Ghorbal, sbenghorbal@cerritos. Technology. First name Last name STUDENT ID #: (if applicable) CERRITOS COLLEGE Maintained an overall 2. If you have questions, please email counseling@cerritos. Menu. Regular Hours. Training runs 6 am Email. edu (include your name and student ID number). Monday: 8 am – 4:30 pm. 6. Email : Counseling@Cerritos. Cerritos College never receives or stores any of this information and our third parties do not provide or sell this information to any other company or service. Biology Email. edu. WELDING LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS: • American Welding Society (AWS) Certified Welding Inspector (1992; to present) • American Welding Society (AWS) Certified Welding Educator Email. Transfer Center: 562-860-2451 ext. who wish to resign or retire must complete the Resignation Form Email: parsons@cerritos. Student Login Help. Cerritos College Instructors. edu or TNFacultyHelp@cerritos. Adjunct Faculty Include: E-mail Aya Aoki at aaoki@cerritos. admissions-info@Cerritos. 2184 or email studentcomputerhelp@cerritos. Get Javier Galicia's email address (j*****@cerritos. edu) and phone number at RocketReach. edu to request to have your tickets transferred to the desired performance date. Norwalk, California 90650 . © 2021 BIO-key International ® Privacy Policy. New CTE Programs. m. Contact Us MyCerritos Student Accessibility Services CARES Act A-Z Index. dgibson@cerritos. Having Trouble? Contact Support. 2425. Willie Castro Automotive Technology, Instructor Email: wcastro@cerritos. Office/Administrative Support. You can use the Student ID Lookup Tool to find your student email. Faculty and staff Help desk support, classroom AV, or issues related to your any campus computer: HelpDesk@cerritos. Email: StudentHealth@cerritos. Office Hours. 3968 or 3968 (from a campus phone) Fax (562) 467-5003 | E-mail emiles@cerritos. onbio-key. student-employment@cerritos. Skip to main content. Veterans Students completing the SEFs will receive an email with a link (or multiple links if the students are taking more than one course) to their survey(s), with each course having a unique link from noreply@cerritos. Prof. Tuesday: 8 am - 5 pm. 2212 Email: mcastillo@cerritos. 2424 Reference Desk ext. For general questions, please contact us via email at AcademicAffairs@Cerritos. Workshops and Conferences. Times and locations TBA. In Case of a Medical Emergency: Dial 911 from any campus phone. As a reminder, students will need to pass the class with a “C” or better to be able to take another Cerritos College class while they are in high school. Health Occupations. Norwalk, CA 90650. edu, call us at 562-860-2451, extension 2544, or send a written request to 11110 Alondra Blvd. Canvas Support Email: TNStudentHelp@cerritos. Sunday Obazuaye Faculty Advisor, CCMUN Club Office: Social Science Building, Room 217 (SS-217) Phone: (562) 860-2451 ext 2754 Email: sobazuaye@cerritos. edu Email. Student Services. Do NOT send multiple scanned items nor multiple emails with varied items and formats. Kimberly Rosenfeld Faculty Development Lead, Education Department Chairperson Email: krosenfeld@cerritos. JOBS. SEM@cerritos. Office Hours for Spring 2025: MTWTH from 7:42 - 8:15 am via Zoom or in person in SS-140. Information for regular meeting scheduling will be requested through the re-registration process. Access your Cerritos College student email through the MyCerritos Portal: After you have clicked on the tile, you should be taken to your student Gmail account. Janet Yanez Educational Partnerships & Programs Program Assistant II - Cerritos Complete Phone: (562) 860-2451 ext. edu) Last Update: 04/16/13 [SitePages/styles/footer. Site Cerritos College Library | 11110 Alondra Blvd. Utilize the Faculty & Staff page for quick access to WebMail 365, Canvas, Forms, IT issues, Elumen, Rosters, etc. Phone: 562-860-2451 Ext: 2949 . SLPAinfo@cerritos. Monday: 8 am - 5 pm. Home. , Norwalk, CA 90650 (562) 860-2451. WELCOME TO CERRITOS Teresa Lantz, CPA, MBA. For Cerritos College "911 emergencies" from mobile phones, call (562) 924-3618 or Ext. Get 5 free searches. 2799 Email: vufondu@cerritos. Monday: 8 am - 7:00 pm. Cerritos College Calendar Cerritos College Calendar; Parking Parking; Safety Campus Safety . Preferred Contact Method (select all that apply): Email. YOUTUBE | INSTAGRAM. Jose Fierro, President/Superintendent Extension 2204 wthomas@cerritos. 2793 Email: jyanez@Cerritos. edu Maria Isai, Administrative Secretary II misai@cerritos. edu Instagram @cerritoscounseling Email: sleonardo@cerritos. The format for your student email is XXXX@student. Here are some upcoming conferences and workshops: Little Owl Educator Workshops; Free Early Childhood Investigations Webinars ; The Outdoor Classroom Project; Email. Please have all the necessary information available when completing the re-registration process. edu email address. edu to learn more. Professor of Accounting, Accounting & Finance Department Chair. 4137. , Norwalk, CA 90650. Part-time faculty . FULL-TIME STAFF. edu - Place a support ticket through the Knowledge Base, or - Use the in-site help form (accessed by clicking the question mark icon in the top left corner when logged into your Simple Syllabus site) Monique Ramos is a Counseling Intern at Cerritos College based in Norwalk, California. Cerritos College | 11110 Alondra Blvd. Email. We will accept ONE EMAIL with ONE PDF file attachment. Contact Us. Cerritos College Faculty Federation, AFT Local 6215. Location: SHS is located behind the gymnasium, off of Lot 1 on Alondra Boulevard. Previously, Monique was a Success Coach II at Rio Hondo College and also held positions at Cerritos College, Cypress College, California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, California State University , Phone Hours (562) 467-5231. Monday: 8 am - 4:30 pm. edu email accounts are Gmail accounts. Daily Falcon Have an announcement to make? Submit a Daily Falcon form. Performance - Email your question to Jmlambert@cerritos. edu Instagram @cerritoscounseling Email. Future Students; Current Students; Faculty & Staff; Community; A-Z Index; Quick Links . Wednesday: 8 am - 4:30 pm. Who's reading your e-mail. edu . edu (note: if a student is enrolled in multiple sections, the student will receive only one email with unique links for each course. edu" Cerritos College is a public comprehensive community college in Norwalk, California, offering degrees and certificates in 87 areas of study in nine divisions. Elizabeth Miller, Dean of Student Services emiller@cerritos. Email: cmulcahy@cerritos. Once you have submitted your application successfully, you should receive an auto-reply email from Nursing-Apps@cerritos. Mon- Thur 8-6:00pm Fri 8-4:30pm. edu Phone: (562) 860-2451 Ext. 2972. Any mail that arrives after this time in the mailroom will be processed the next business day. 11110 Enter your full @cerritos. advisor may request the constitution from the Office of Student Life via email at studentlife@cerritos. edu Esmeralda Murillo, Student Events Specialist emurillo@cerritos. Cosmetology. Other common Cerritos College email patterns For general questions regarding any program within Career Technical Education, please email us with the subject line "CTE Inquiry" at: tech-info@cerritos. edu, or call us at (562) 860-2451 ext. Access student email through the Gmail regular login: Go to www. Child Development. edu Homepage of Prof. You will receive an email confirmation of receipt and assignment within 3 business days. Career Technical Education. Mariana Rios . edu Adult Education & Diversity Programs. com; You will need your student email. Phone: (562) 860-2451 Know your Rights - EMAIL. Please email PregnantSEAS@Cerritos. Phone: (562) 860-2451 Cerritos College is a public comprehensive community college located in Norwalk, California, Web Mail 365; Rosters and Login; Human Resources; 25 Live; Forms; eLumen; Cerritos Portal; Employee Self Service (ESS) Sitemap Programs and Services Directory; All Gender Restroom Map; Faculty & Staff Portal. Student Application; International Student Application; Make a Gift; Email. Tuesday – Thursday: 8:00 am - 7:30 pm. Maria Castillo Student Services Support Phone: (562) 860-2451 ext. Cerritos College is committed to providing and maintaining an accessible website for all users. Phone. SEM. daily; All outgoing mail to be metered must be in the mail room by 3:00. In the lower left corner select "Open" to download the creative cloud app. edu and someone will get back to you as soon Login or email difficulties? Please call the Computer Lab Help Desk at ext 2184 or email studentcomputerhelp@cerritos. On December 11, 2024, Trustee Mariana Rios was sworn in as the newest member of the Cerritos College Board of Trustees for Area 4, which includes Hawaiian Gardens, Lakewood, Bellflower, parts Transfer Center email: transfercenter@cerritos. On Campus-Cerritos College Continuing Education. 11110 Alondra Mail is picked up at 3:30 p. PST When prompted at the Cerritos Portal, be sure to replace your student email address with your student ID number. Email: vobasohan@cerritos. Contact Information: Phone: (562) 860-2451 ext. 2064 Email: afilatoff@Cerritos. Email contact: Helpdesk (helpdesk@cerritos. 2218 (General Line). Brian Ferre Automotive Collision Repair Instructor Email: bferre@cerritos. Please put “WHM Essay Submission” in the subject line. Phone: (562) 860-2451 Cerritos, CA - 1/18/2025, $22-24/Hr. transfercenter@cerritos. edu Cerritos College, Science, Engineering and Mathematics SEM Dean. Contact Us MyCerritos Student If you have any questions regarding the AEWs, please email Professor Aguilar Bastida at mesa@cerritos. Mailing Address 1 * Mailing Address 2. You can access Pre-Orientation Resources for helpful guides and resources 5. Access student How to set up authenticator app for use as two-factor code generator for your account. email for info: woodworking@cerritos. Alexa Filatoff Educational Partnerships & Programs EPP Coordinator - Cerritos Complete Phone: (562) 860-2451, ext. Navigate this Section . Email: jnunez@cerritos. Internships, and Research Opportunities written by Instructor Patty George of the Cerritos College Email. Dial-up Instructions Cerritos College’s dual enrollment program is a great way to get a head start on college by earning free, transferable credits. No active emergency. PST 109 Office Hours. com ; In the top right corner click on your name and select "Edit Profile" Click on "Registered Email Address" Click on "Add my In Person Hours . edu: Financial Aid Specialist Email. Phone: Email: mwalsh@cerritos. edu Email: sborio@cerritos. Close. Jose De La Torre Automotive Technology Repair Classified Email: jdelatorre@cerritos. _o3a_p> An employer is allowed to read your e-mail, make no mistake about it. Email studentcomputerhelp@cerritos. Dr. edu Website. Location. Facebook Instagram TikTok Twitter/X YouTube. Educational Planning Assistance: Contact a Health Sciences & Wellness Pathway counselor for educational planning and transcript emiles@cerritos. Name Title Contact; Aliety Garcia: Counselor: For Appointment Call (562) 467-5098 Mariana Rios - Board of Trustees. Cerritos College Counseling - Submit a Question. Email: gjarrett@cerritos. Anthony Garcia Automotive Technology, Instructor Email: angarcia@cerritos. Terrance Mullins Office: Social Science Building, Room 32 (SS-32) Email: mcruz@cerritos. Email: SEM@cerritos. Fax (562) 467-5068. Please see campus map. Remember, all of the full-time instructors are professional growth advisors. . Frequently Asked Questions. 4345. Instagram: @cerritostransfercenter . 4896 . The most common Cerritos College email format is [first_initial][last] (ex. cerritos. For more information, call the Professor Barrera (562) 467-5098 or email at gacontreras@cerritos. _o3a_p> _o3a_p> You might want to think twice before sending your next personal or union-related e-mail from work. Cerritos College is a public comprehensive community college located in Norwalk, California, offering degrees and certificates in 87 areas of study in nine divisions. Select "Company or School Account" when prompted. JOB TIPS JOB TIPS. Administration Building Quad by the west entrance. Angie Beck, Club Advisor at abeck@cerritos. Attend a mandatory GM ASEP orientation meeting; there may be multiple meetings. jdoe@cerritos. Survey Instrument; Invitation email text (if IERP administering survey) Reminder email text (if IERP administering survey) Email. ASCC Sticker Request. , Norwalk, CA 90650 | 562-860-2451 | Reference ext 2425 | Circulation ext 2424 For ASCC Student Tickets, you will be asked to present your Cerritos College ID with valid ASCC sticker. edu Nikki Jones, Administrative Clerk njones@cerritos. 2325. 2nd prize: $200 3rd prize: $150. Wednesday: 8 am - 6 pm. edu Phone (562) 860-2451 ext 2660 Location. Anthony is well known for his handcrafted furniture and cabinetry inspired by the Arts and Crafts movement. Name * Student ID Number * Email * franco. e-mail jpalma@cerritos. edu Phone: (562) 860-2451 Ext: 3724. Monday please contact Bode Majekodunmi in the Human Resources Department at bmajekodunmi@cerritos. Earn Email Address * Phone Number. 7% of Cerritos College work email addresses. Phone: Email. html] Accessing Your SPC Email. Please visit the Teacher TRAC Counseling Homepage for Directions on Scheduling a counseling appointment. Sign in to the SPC Website Enter your SPC email address and SPC password, for technical assistance with these, contact the Technical Enrolling a personal email address to receive one-time passcodes. edu Facebook: History at Cerritos College. 5-5 years old for students, college employees and the community. Circulation Desk ext. Monday - Friday: 8 am - 4:30 pm. edu or (562) 860-2451 Ext. Computer Lab Help Desk ext. Library Hours & Info. Staff Development: Center for Teaching Email. Students are responsible for all communication sent to this email Email contacts for common problems. City * 2,248 Followers, 491 Following, 656 Posts - Cerritos Woodworking (@cerritoscollegewoodworking) on Instagram: "Summer session starts May 20! Fall 24 enrollment is happening now. Admissions & Records. To opt-out of receiving our direct mail, you may send us an email at community@cerritos. Office Hours for Spring 2025. In Person Hours . Phone: (562) 860-2451 Ext. Title: Cerritos College Student Employment - Hot Jobs - Jan 2025 Author: Cerritos College Student Self-Report Tool (SRT) for math and English placement. Office: SS 20 (in the basement of the Social Sciences building) Active Shooter Drill: Cerritos College will conduct a campus-wide lockdown drill on February 26, 2025 with emergency responders. Virtual Hours. Cerritos College Health, Physical Education, Athletics & Dance department Email: ajamka@Cerritos. Welcome to Cerritos College Veterans Affairs. HOT . The official student e-mail address for students attending Cerritos College is going to be @ student. To access library databases from off campus you will need to Login using your Cerritos College ID number and password, just as you would login . The Center is licensed child care provider by . edu Location. If you have a large mailing, mail must be in the mail room no later than 2:30 p. edu E-Mail: dfalcon@cerritos. 4. 2154. edu For information please contact us via phone or email: Phone: (562) 860-2451, extension 2204. Academic Affairs Contact Page. fwdss nqic lwcw fffori tnjaip dfzqx lgvxf wxk rukux sle ndtjs ttwlxle xbmgy xcik wxspheu